Digitization, Public Domain & Informational Monopolies

AI-gegenereerde afbeelding
AI-gegenereerde afbeelding

Conference  Bournemouth University.


  • Ronan Deazley and Victoria Stobo (University of Glasgow) To search or not to search? Digitising archive collections in the new copyright settlement
  • Cédric Manara (Google) What we can learn from the Google Books project and ruling
  • Uma Suthersanen (Queen Mary, University of London) Who Cares About the Orphans? Institutional and Authorial Mandates
  • Nora McGregor (British Library) The Mechanical Curator Experiment at British Library
  • Darren Wright (FreeBMD) Digitisation: Open Access to Public History
  • Dinusha Mendis (Bournemouth University) tbaRuth Towse (Bournemouth University)
  • Piet Bakker (Newspaper Innovation, Technical University Utrecht)
  • Trilce Navarrete (University of Amsterdam) Changes in heritage production and consumption brought by networked technologies
  • Christian Handke (Erasmus University, Rotterdam)
  • Lucie Guibault (IViR, University of Amsterdam) Faustian Perspective on Digitization: Making a Deal with the Devil
  • Maurizio Borghi (Bournemouth University) Digital monopolies: how they are caused and how to unlock them
  • Jean-Claude Guédon (University of Montreal) Post-Foucaldian musings about digitization: power, knowledge and mass digitization


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Onderzoek in de context van de digitale wereld

Het lectoraat Kwaliteitsjournalistiek in Digitale Transitie (JournalismLab) doet aan de hand van diverse thema’s praktijkgericht onderzoek. Hierbij kijken we naar de wederkerigheid tussen drie journalistieke processen: productie, inhoud en effect.

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