Storytelling in a digital age

AI-gegenereerde afbeelding
AI-gegenereerde afbeelding

The editorial director for Upworthy and former deputy editor for The New York Times Amy O’Leary curated this years’s conference of the Innitiative for Narrative Journalism in the Netherlands for which she invited a group of inspired, cheerful and innovative professionals in digital storytelling. They collectively demonstrated how to catch and hold the attention of an audience with gripping digital stories in an age of divided attention. To catch a glimp of their collective wisdom see the accompanying picture.

storytelling in a digital age



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Onderzoek in de context van de digitale wereld

Het lectoraat Kwaliteitsjournalistiek in Digitale Transitie (JournalismLab) doet aan de hand van diverse thema’s praktijkgericht onderzoek. Hierbij kijken we naar de wederkerigheid tussen drie journalistieke processen: productie, inhoud en effect.

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