News Storytelling

What new forms of digital storytelling are emerging? What challenges do journalists face because of these new forms? And how does the consumer experience them? Read more about our research on this page.

Also read the public lecture by Yael de Haan about immersive storytelling

Foto_Verbroken Verbinding
Verbroken Verbinding: conversational AI en vertrouwen in het nieuws
Immersive journalism and the engaged audience
Interactieve journalistieke verhalen. Op zoek naar balans in de relatie tussen journalisten en hun publiek
Documenting Complexity: where documentary meets activism and technological innovation
Schermafbeelding 2023-10-27 om 14.43.56
Exploring the boundaries of journalism
Het merk LINDA. & de zachte journalistiek in Nederland
Every picture tells a Story
Lees meer over

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