Compilation of the ECREA journalism section conference in Utrecht

On June 16th, 2022, the Research Centre Quality Journalism in Digital Transition at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht hosted the ECREA Journalism studies Section Conference “Journalism studies meets practice”. In this podcast, Yael de Haan, Applied professor at the Research centre offers an overview of the conference and responds to contributions held by speakers at the conference. 

These are, among others, prof. dr. Thomas Poell at the University of Amsterdam, Laurens Vreekamp, author of the Art of AI, Geert-Jan Bogaerts, Head of Innovation and Digital Media at VPRO, post-doctoral researcher Philip di Salvo at Università della Svizzera italiana, Dr. Maja Šimunjak from Middlesex University London, Jorge Vázquez-Herrero, Assistant Professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela, and Joëlle Swart, Assistant Professor at the University of Groningen. 


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Onderzoek in de context van de digitale wereld

Het lectoraat Kwaliteitsjournalistiek in Digitale Transitie (JournalismLab) doet aan de hand van diverse thema’s praktijkgericht onderzoek. Hierbij kijken we naar de wederkerigheid tussen drie journalistieke processen: productie, inhoud en effect.

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